Want to meet your dream date?
Don't care which dead animal your cheap burgers were blasted from?
Horsemeet is the place for you!
With over 5000 users exchanging over 15 million messages, and up to 23% horse DNA, is the place to find that special someone who isn't prissy about trivial things such as insisting that their beef products actually contain beef.
Tiffany, 29, Romford
“Paul and I are a perfect match! We like the same films, support the same team, and we share an overwhelming indifference over what's in our burgers.”
Charles, 36, Basingstoke
“I made lasagne for my first date with Alexandra. We had a great time joking about whether or not the mincemeat had come first in a past life!”
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Image credits: horse head, “Tiffany”, “Charles”